Thursday 10 June 2010

Super-Aggressive Public Keyboard Fingering

It is a sound that is only twenty years old and yet already it has broken into the top 50 annoying sounds of all time, surpassing bubble gum popping and closing in rapidly on public whistling. And secondly only, in commuting terms, to the despised earphone-spillage. It is the rapid-fire tip-tap of that Next-wearing, middle-management-aspiring boffin with the 5 year old Dell laptop who always seems to sit two seats away from you.

Clearly the noise alone this thrusting young Turk makes is quite bad enough, but it's actually the layers of subtext so easily read into his furious fingering which so amuses and annoys.

The palpable sense of urgency. The wave of importance pulsating off him. The focus, the flare, the obvious potency. And, of course, the speed. Few people can type as fast as me. Ever. You don't even have to look at me, just listen. Hear that? Sure you do. That's the sound of my urgency. Others may play at committing their important thoughts to electronic paper, but not me. No, I am executing this contact report on yesterday's meeting the way an Olympic sprinter executes a race...with focus, commitment and savage speed. Blackberrys? iPhones? Way too small. Way too quiet. Don't make me laugh.

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