Sunday 6 June 2010

Norms, Observations and Annoyances: No. 11

Bag-Blocking refers to the act of placing one's bag or briefcase on the seat beside you in the hopes that it will dissuade new joiners to the train from taking that seat into consideration. It is widely considered to be the most offensive of all commuting annoyances for several reasons.

Firstly, it's just plain rude, greedy behavior. Secondly, it's a mild form of intimidation in that a Bag-Blocker is forcing an innocent commuter to ask the rhetorical question of whether or not the seat is free. Thirdly, and most annoyingly, this behavior involves play-acting on behalf of the Bag-Blocker. Initially it's the I'm-so-caught-up-in-what-I'm-doing-that-I'm-not-even-noticing-the-train-is-rapidly-filling-up false gaze they give their laptop. This is then followed up with faux surprise when someone asks them to move their bag. Oh yes. Of course, goodness me. What was I thinking?


Annoyance Ranking: 10

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